👋I'm Peter.
As a software solutions designer from Belgium, I specialize in creating technical visions and strategies, making good technology choices, (re)designing application architectures, and organizing agile delivery teams.
My passion for programming started in the 1990s when I used my father's Commodore 64, and I have been programming ever since. Although I enjoy dabbling in Python, Go, and Typescript to spice things up, Java will always be the first programming language I truly love and recommend for building complex backends.
My second passion in technology is everything related to infrastructure. This includes designing large automatically scaling workloads in the cloud, teaching the finer points of using Kubernetes, championing tools like Ansible or Terraform, and getting nerdy with IT about firewalls.
Lastly, I also try to design for security, with a focus on application, infrastructure, and Software Development Lifecycle security.
Feel free to contact me via any of my socials or email. I am always happy to chat or exchange ideas!